USB Drive Filled with Beer

Posted on
  • Friday, 8 July 2011
  • by
  • naga prasad
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  • A product of CNK Promotions, this unique pendrive is certainly something I would like to pocket. I swear it would not surprise me in the least to see a news bulletin somewhere where a guy decided to try to suck the beer out of his USB drive. It’d likely start with one guy either daring or offering up some small fund to do it like a dollar. It really wouldn’t take much for someone to do it. Well luckily there are no links to actually purchase this USB drive instead it is just an example of all the cool things a certain company can do with USB drives.
    The company can not only fill your USB drive with liquid but add little objects to the mix. Like a carfor a racing company. Basically those cheesy pens that the top of them was filled with liquid have now been replaced with these USB drives. Well I suppose it had to happen eventually. If you feel the need to create liquid filled USB drives with your company name stamped on them just follow the link to find out more info.


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